Monday, April 19, 2010

Not all images in the net are true

Internet user can get a lot of images when they type certain thing they want and the images will appear but beware not all of the images are true.Some of it might be photoshop and some other user want to make fun of it.

Because some of the user easily believe it and thought its was real.But not all the weird images are fake some of it are true.


"Facebook is a social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Since September 2006, anyone over the age of 13 with a valid e-mail address can become a Facebook user. Facebook's target audience is more for an adult demographic than a youth demographic. Users can add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by workplace, school, or college. The website's name stems from the colloquial name of books given to students at the start of the academic year by university administrations in the US with the intention of helping students to get to know each other better"

reference :

As we can see, facebook admin allowed kids at the age of 13 to have an account at facebook. Kids at this age are easy to be manipulated and easy to trust others. Facebook also allowed to update personal detail like name, age, hometown and event hp number. From my perspective, kids at this age doesnt know anything about the important of not sharing private information. They only know to have fun, get new friend wtihout thinking how old the person can be, how dangerous they can be.

From my experience, i been introduce to Myspace since im 13. I upload my picture, give my detail and adding friend around the world. But i got lots of friend request from someone that far older then me, even 10 years older then me. How scary is that? An adult trying to befriend to a kids? There nothing we, as an adult, can think what in the world they thinking in their mind accept doing something really bad or planning something bad.

One more thing for me, that really odd is the survey,game or service that facebook offer for their user. Survey about friend? about ourself. Dont you thing facebook is trying to get our personal detail, in a very smart way? I keep thinking about this and it make me wonder, why on earth should facebook do something like this.

Think again. Maybe we already exposed so much thing about ourself on the internet. Things getting really danger nowdays.

think before you post.

Faiz Hafizin

for the sake of personal information

Sooner or later, due to everyone's insecurities about internet safety and information phishing.

We might end up with paper bags on our heads in every photo. To keep our faces from being known by the internet public.

And there will soon be designer paper head bags.

Now our identity will be secured within the confinements of paper bags!

Well, there is a possibility, right?
Ida Kay


Hacking,i am sure a lot of people know the meaning of hacking.
And i wont be suprised that some people can gain money with only hacking,with using the internet,hacking can be so easy.
Such as,with hacking people username and password (some user love to use they own name or they own birthday date as password) hacker can access to they bank account and steal a lot of money or even can make one company bankrupt.

But some of the hacker can help us gain some information that may help the police to solve a case and so on.

Think before you post.

Ok i want to share with you guys how dangerous the internet can be. The video is about thing that we post and how can it be very dangerous to us. From the video, the user, sara, probably have a blog and had post anything she want. Unfortunately, she never think how bad can it be. From her schoolmate until a stranger know her, what she wear, what she had done, even the color of her underware.

"Anything you post online, anyone can see. Family, friend, even not so friendly people."

The tagline show how dangerous the internet can be. Sometimes kid doesnt know that give a personal detail to a stranger, can be very dangerous. As an adult, its is our responsibility to warn children from talking to stranger, now just in real world, but in internet too. From the simple detail that we give, it can be a deadly weapon to us.

So before you post anything. like the tagline said...

"Think before you post"

Faiz Hafizin


Each group member must present at least 2 slide for the presentation
topic may verify from the method in doing this assignment, to any content that we've used in our research. Edit this post to notify others on which part of our research you'll be presenting on (2 person may present on the same topic but make sure that the content is not the same). whatever it is notify everyone first.

Faiz - Survey
Ridzuan - Prevention (solving the problem)
Ida - Introduction(internet safety, in terms of children)
Azhan -
Kimi - Conclusion

PS: any topic is fine but keep in mind, one person must at least present for 3 mins

more on safety: viruses and identity

I've compiled some children's websites on the net specifically for children's use.

But then again, I suppose just restricting them to browsing kid websites is not enough as children tends to stray off in the internet world on their own considering it's web2.0 now.
I am amazed yet shocked to see 10 year olds with facebook profiles now and adding various people to be friends with regardless whether they know them or not.

Or even kids who posts vlogs(video blogs) on youtube. Same case with blogs too; revealing quite alot of private info.

According to this website,
Internet's safety for children should not only consist of browsing websites but also:
Click on the links to get to the direct guidelines page :)

They also added a section regarding viruses which i think is something we did not include, or did we? Well, I kind of forgot about virus security, eventhough it's pretty much important too. Viruses are the source of malicious software and not anyone would want them in their PCs.

Private information is by far the most vital part of keeping safe. Browsing on the net is almost equivalent to walking in a park only virtually together with a digital identification card of some sort. Once you leak your information out, people can or will do things to you.

So keep your internet journey safe, friends~
Tell your little brothers and sisters too and be good siblings :D

Ida K.

Privacy in the internet

Hello guys,

this is about privacy in the internet.Nowadays a lot of internet user love to put they picture in the net and sometime they put picture that could humiliated them one day.
Personally,if they want to put they own picture is alright but make sure only some of people that you known or trusted that only able to access it.If not later it will harm you.
Example in this link (warning contain violence and gore images)

Media Learning

I've been wondering, Is it good to learn things from internet? or from television or maybe learn languages from radio?
Does it brings more harm than good? or maybe it can save time since it is portable and we can set our time whenever we want and where ever we want

Friend or Stranger?

These days a lot of social network such as facebook,friendster,twitter,myspace and so on.And i believe that 80% of MMU student had account on there social network and because of that they can gain a lot of international or local new friend that they may or accept any random friend request that is they might never meet.Its a good thing to have a lot of friend but the question is..

Are they friend or stranger to us?

We never meet them or know them in life,we only know how they look by the photo they had uploaded (if they upload they real photo instead uploaded some random someone else photo and said that its them) and dont be shocked that somehow we can be really close to them or even trust them more than trusting friend that we can see everyday.
That person might end up becoming a scary pervert stalker ( i had my own experience on this)

But it doesnt mean all of them is a bad person,some of them are really nice but they more comfortable having a network friend since they probably shy to having a real conversation.

So,what do you guys think on this?

guidelines for kiddies

Found some guidelines regarding Internet's safety for children.

No internet access unless parent or guardian is home within visual contact of computer screen

Who gets to use the computer when and for how long.

This person can connect to the internet using only this username. This is especially useful when someone younger than you is using the same computer and they have different settings for the filtering software installed.

Teach the younger family members how to recognize, avoid, and get away from the bad people online.

Practice as a family how to get away from a stranger when they approach you or will not leave you alone in your neighborhood and on the internet in a chatroom, through email or instant messaging.

Introduce your online friends to your parents just as you do with your everyday friends.

Don't arrange or agree to a face-to-face meeting or phone conversation with another computer user (online playmate, friend, or penpal) without your parent or adult at both the acceptance and the meeting itself even if they say they are in serious trouble and need your help right now.

Don't buy or sign-up for anything online without your parent's or guardian's supervision.

Watch younger brothers and sisters when they are connected to the internet. Be sure that they are not talking to strangers or are visiting a "bad" website.

Keep reminding younger children about the meaning of "do not tell anyone private information". Information that every family member shares - like allowances, where and when parents work, where parents shop or what you did during school vacation - does not seem to be private information to younger children. Keep explaining why they should not tell their online friends about these things.

Only visit websites that can be accessed from a particular folder on your computer.

Tell your parent or guardian when anyone uses bad language or says things that make you uncomfortable.

Don't answer email from a stranger.

Tell your parent when someone asks you to keep their conversations, friendship or emails a secret.

Never send to any person or post at any website pictures or files without your parent there. If the person asking for pictures is someone you met online or a stranger, tell them NO!

If you use a service where your username is the first part of the email address, such as AOL or MSN, consider usernames for all persons under 18 (for example: know-it-all or bluefish) that do not indicate your name, gender, age or race.

Assign a family member on a regular basis (weekly, monthly) to download and install anti-virus software updates and security patches for your operating system and all programs installed.

Taken from here.

Another addition(something I thought of during the whole assignment), parents should set a kids search page as the default searching page such as yahoo's own
I used that back when I was in standard school and it was fun enough for me, so it should be fun enough to use for children too. The adults can type in their own search page if they were to use the internet, No hassle.

What do you guys think?

Ida K.

Is it Good Upload our Idea on Internet?

Is it good for we upload out Idea such as drawing or Character Design on Internet? I am scare people will steal our idea form internet, But I want to show people around the world about my Idea and my drawing. the advantage that we can get are maybe people will respect us and people will know who I am but the disadvantages is people will copy my Idea and my character design, maybe people will make wrongly use my idea and maybe people will said that I am like to show off. So, I decide not to put all my idea on internet. But, I don't think so I will get those advantages.


Is it O.K to download music from Internet? Is it O.K to download comic from Internet? I know if we are downloading music from internet are actually we steal their music by using internet, that what people always said. If we downloading Comic from internet? Is it O.K also? Is it same situation from Download Music? I had no idea for that thing also.

Violent Video on Internet

Guys, did you experience from look at the Violent Video from Internet? For those who are have Facebook for sure experience from look at this Violent Video. I saw many of Violent Video just from Facebook. My friends like to post this kind of Violent Video on the Facebook. Yeah, sometime I enjoy it watch this kind of Video, sometime I don't. Yeah, laast time I use to watch this kind of video but now I know the result I get from this kind of Video. If you watch the accident video, sometime their head are lost. So, the effect that maybe you all get are you scare to drive a vehicle already. I tough I want to post the Video or Images of this kind of Violent thing, but I guess I better do not post it. scare you all will blame me. That's all I want to share with all.

The Good and the Bad of Internet Home Shopping

Hey Guys, I do not know is it good or bad for use internet as a Home Shopping? I just scare if Home Shopping got any effect on us. Sometime I try to read on random info on internet. Here the info I want share the tips with you all. I just Copy paste from this link

Mapping- and Yahoo! Maps,, let you check out the geographic shape of cities. You can look up schools, landmarks, and the distance between any two points. Also, new mapping technology like Google Maps,, let you see actual satellite photos of neighborhoods and houses.

Information- Learn, learn, learn is the name of the game when it comes to moving into a new area. The internet lets you check out restaurant, movie, shopping, and cultural reviews. Websites like feature reviews and suggestions from neighborhood locals.

The Market- The internet lets you take a step back and look at the real estate market from a broader perspective. You can check out hundreds of properties from your living room. Many websites offer virtual tours of houses so can really get a feel for what is on the block.

Get more tips from the link I already given

Is It True?

Is it true if We enter Pornography sites are more safer from Virus compare to normal sites does not include any pornography stuff?

Hey Guys!

Hey Guys. I found something interesting to share with you all.

If you’re one of the millions of people that are filtering through MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, and the many other rich online applications and you’re looking to take that with you, in your hand, on the bus, into the coffee shop, to the park bench or just to the sofa, you have three choices. The first option is to find a mobile client version of your Internet application. On the iPhone, you’ll find YouTube and Google Maps as separate applications and on many mobile phones you can also install dedicated Gmail and Google Maps applications. They work well, but that’s all you get. Fixed client apps that are just a small segment of the Internet. The second option is to find mobile-optimised versions for you favorite online Internet sites. For most popular sites there are mobile versions available but you always end up hitting a wall at some point and its frustrating to have cut-down versions of your favorite sites. The third option, and the only real option, is to use a mobile PC. A real mobile PC. That is, a device with a desktop PC processor and the ability to run a desktop browser on it. A dedicated mobile Internet device.

Intel has a class of devices called MID’s. I tend to call them all UMPCs. Either way, both device classes use powerful and flexible desktop hardware and run desktop versions of the browser which solve both the speed and the compatibility issue. I’m not going to talk about how desktop browsers solve the compatibility issues here because I’ve talked that in other posts (Intel also presented an interesting slide on the topic at IDF Fall 2007) what I want to demonstrate is the very important speed issue.

In the video and presentation below, I’ve attempted to highlight two major differences between the ARM and x86 devices. First I’ll show you the difference in time to pick up a single email via the Gmail web interface on 4 different devices connected to the Internet over 3G or better (VIA the same provider). A feature phone (UMTS). A Smartphone (HSDPA). A handheld PC (HSDPA) and a full-blown UMPC (HSDPA). The smartphone wins mainly due to the always-on feature. Then you’ll see how fast it is if you skip the browser and use a dedicated app. Its even faster. Half the time of the UMPCs.

Samsung Q1b HSDPA Everun S36HS HSDPA Nokia E90 communicator (HSDPA) Nokia 6280 (3G, via Opera Mini) Nokia 6280 (3G via GMail java app)
26 seconds 29 Seconds 24 seconds 22 seconds 14 seconds

It proves that instant-on/always-on gives you an advantage in that situation and that dedicated text-only apps can be very quick indeed. But then I’ll show you another major difference.

In the presentation that follows the video, you’ll see how the instant-on advantage of an ARM-based device is blown away with just one additional page browse. After just two page views, the x86 device is ahead. There’s no comparison. Take a look at the video below and then carry on reading… [Note: in the first part of the video I say 'always on'. I actually mean 'always connected']

If you guys interest to read more, just use the link I given below

My Self as a Internet User

Normal for student who are board from doing nothing. Student will surf internet for their fun. A lot of fun we can find from internet such as Play Online game, use social Network such as Facebook and Friendster, Downloading game, software, music, picture or Music. What I list down just now was what I am always do when I surf Internet. Did you guys know that actually what I am doing is wrong sometime. For example I download Music for Free even though I know that I am not supposed to download it because it will make the artist loss their profit. That's all I make my mistake.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Assignment Overview

Sorry for this late post. Due blogger not allowing us to rearrange our post, then this post is situated at the very top.

This is the procedure used when making this assignment a success

1)It was done through a series of discussion.
2)With the topic decided, we did a mind map and brainstorm. We identify what was the problem, who was involved in the situation and how to overcome it.
3)We conduct a research. Browse the internet, obtained observation made by others and add in ours as well. Then we summarize it all together.
4)We did a survey. Gathering data by seeing other people's point of view.
5)Compile. Put all the data, info we got into one file.
6)A conclusion was made.
7)Finalize and made a final report.



Let it be that people say this problem can’t be overcome. If we don’t do anything than of course this problem will never be resolved. So what can we do is just try our best in trying to keep such site from living up. Report and block those sites that are inappropriate. Educate our kids into becoming responsible adults. Follow the do’s and dont’s guideline and hope for the best in keeping our children safe from using the internet in an ill mannered way.


Survey result (People's point of view)

These are some of the answer we've obtained by various people when doing our survey

Q-10. How to prevent children from entering offensive site?

• Be by their side while they using the internet
• blocking the url, set parent security for children on their pc
• Block all the possible sites that we consider as offensive first. Next, set
up some security on the computer.
• Buy a site filter software block/ parental control
• monitor when they use internet, setting up internet browser
• Try to find as much offensive site and block them. Teach the children to
never click on any offensive site.
• By guiding those when they surfing internet or put the computer at the hall
room.So we can supervise them.
• Always monitor them
• block some offensive site with use the pop up blocking block certain site
• Put parental block on all sited that should be blocked.
• By putting blocking the site and putting password on the internet
• Application. ie: internet explorer, google chrome, etc- by having a guardian
watching their kids google-ing.

Q-13. If Yes, Why do you think so?

• Because learning in school only doesn't help much. They need more
• Many things can be learned from the internet.
• You remember yourselves as children. Aren't you curious about sex and stuff?
• To know what right/ know the limit etc.
• so that they know how to use internet wisely
• At least get to know some basic knowledge for future use, because we're
leaving in the internet era.
• So they know how to prevent from giving personal information to strangers or
prevent from entering porn site.
• To prevent from bad influence of internet.
• to control or give knowledge about using the internet
• So that they could know what is fact or fiction in the internet!
• Because we are now living in the telecommunication world where everything is
connected with internet. So, there's no reason why we can't start master it
from young age


Survey result

As of 25th of March 2010, 1 week after the survey was posted up the result is shown as followed:


What do you think?

You can help us in making this research a success by doing a little survey that we provided. Research is mostly done by keying in the observation made by us and other people as well. So, it is appreciated that you take the survey.

Here is the link to our survey:


Keeping it safe (Prevention 2)

Based on our research other ways to prevent kids from accessing inappropriate sites are by monitoring them while using the computer. Place the computer in a non-hidden area so we always or mostly keep an eye on them.

Strange acts done by our kids may show some signs that they have been exposed to such improper content. Asking for privacy when using the web falls under acting strangely. Calling people whom you don’t recognize falls under the acting strange category.


Research outcome (Identifying the problems)

The problem with kids these days is that they can be easily exposed to mature content when browsing on the web. These contents should be authorized first before publishing it on the web. But due to not many people supporting or helping in keeping the internet safe for kids, made this situation out of hand and cannot or very hard to overcome.

Inappropriate content for kids are such as, violent acts, gore and other mature content should be blocked from public view. The user must verify themselves that they are old enough and/or have proof that their guardian or anyone responsible approve/allowing them to accessing such site.

Other than inappropriate site content, there is also a problem in kids knowing whether an item can be obtained free or have to legally buy them. This is a problem in copyright and legalize in purchasing items. Most children don’t understand the term piracy or even copyright and this could turn out to be a problem.
